Pictures of the Week *It’s baaaaaack!*

It’s baaack!  After a very long hiatus my interest in doing home projects has returned.  Step right up Home Depot shareholders, your time has come.

In the fall of 2011 we finished a pretty big kitchen upgrade (part of which we did on our own), and I swore up and down that after all the blood, sweat and tears, I was not going to do another home project, ever!  Stick a fork in me. I was done!

We got pregnant with Makenzie a few months later (yay!) so I stood true to my no more home projects rule (with the exception of excessive nesting) and we pretty much managed to continue the strike against paint, backsplash and any type of physical work altogether.

But all good things must come to an end… and so is the case with our no home projects rule.

Perhaps it’s because we’re finally getting into a good routine with Kenzie… perhaps it’s because I fell back into the arms of Pinterest … perhaps it’s because we have a very big 1st Birthday party at our house coming up in a few months… but regardless of the reason, my interest in home projects has been rekindled.

This weekend we managed to cross some items off the To Do list.  Check it out…

# 42 – Install cat door — CHECK!


According to Denny the cat door installation is purrrrfect!

(On a side note this was my favorite step of the cat door installation.  I can’t make this up!)


Hilarious!! But Lex did not think so.

# 63 – Take down broken shelves in kitchen.

#64 – Spackle holes and repaint OR just cover them up. (clearly I chose the latter)

#65 – Find artwork (thanks Etsy).  Print artwork.  Frame artwork.

#66 – Hang artwork.

Awww yeah, Check, check, check, check, check and check!!!


Pretty cute and all for less than $43!

And finally, we committed to To List Items #81, #82, #83 & #85Commit to re-painting front room.  Select color.  Buy paint.  Paint.  Buy fluffy area rug. 

Hooray!!!!   It’s not a done deal yet but the fluffy rug is purchased and color samples are on the wall.  Which means we either have to move forward with the project or risk looking like idiots with big sample splotches or green and blue paint on a brown wall.


Trying to find some color inspiration!

So that’s what the McGees have been up to for the past 48 hours.  Oh yeah, and LOTS of fun with Kenzie girl.  Weekends really are the best.

Stay tuned, it’s going to be a fun few months!


Pick up a paintbrush and join the party on Facebook!

Mommy McBlog



  1. holy productive weekend 🙂
    cant wait to see your new room!! love the new kitchen printables 😉


  1. […] I switched it up a little.  Our formerly dark brown front room was too dark and too drab and I had the itch to brighten it up.  So I did.  With the help of my parents (Dad to lend a hand to paint, and Mom to keep an eye on […]

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