The Birth of the Mommy McBlog!



After lots of waiting, pushing, screaming and an epidural, I’m thrilled to announce the birth of the Mommy McBlog!!

McBlog is 1 post tall by 2 pages wide with brown eyes and green font!

Born to proud author/mommy, Erin McGee

Mommy McBlog was an idea conceived months ago when I found out I was going to be a Mom and thought it would be great to journey through pregnancy and motherhood with other  Moms!  I’m not a Mommy pro, nurse, or certified advice giver, so if you somehow landed on this page looking for ways to cure colic or tame a toddler’s temper, navigate away from this page immediately (I’m not the person to ask!!)

But I am glad to share my experiences with others and perhaps offer a good idea and maybe an occassional laugh!

So pull up a cozy chair, a glider, a Bumbo seat or whatever you find comfortable and join me along the most long-awaited journey of my life… Mommyhood!


Mommy McBlogger

PS  If you feel like doing a good deed for the day, you can like my blog on Facebook too!  Click here and you’ll get fun updates on Facebook about upcoming blog posts and amazing coupons at Target (just kidding – the Target coupon part is a complete fabrication, but it seems like the only way I can catch a busy Mom’s attention).  Hope to see you back here soon!