Somehow we got here. The end of the school year. It’s both my favorite & least favorite time of year.
Undoubtedly the upcoming summer fills our house with excitement. Denny and the kids and I made a pretty full list of Summer 2019 Things to Do! The items range from the simplicity of Eat ice cream to the complexity of Go to Lake George (and if you’ve ever packed up 2 kids for a week of vacation you know what I mean by complexity).
But the approaching summer also brings a sadness of knowing this school year is ending. It’s that dull ache of knowing you can’t go back. It’s that realization that our kids keep getting older and we have no control over it.
Honestly weren’t we just a brand new family of 3 staring at this sweet face?!?

Two-hour old Makenzie Ruth – October 2012
But before the bus picks up Kenzie one more time as a first grader I feel like I should recap a pretty awesome year! I haven’t been great at blogging so here is the 2018/2019 school year recap.
Back to the Beginning – September 2018

First day of 1st grade

First day of preschool
We are grateful that both kids had amazing teachers and plenty of great friends in their classes. This year brought lost teeth & lost toys, birthdays & bike rides, Santa visits & snow days, and lessons big & small. Kenzie learned how to tie her shoes and to tell time. Mitchell learn to write his name and to pee standing up (like I said, not all lessons are of the same magnitude).

The day she lost her front tooth!

My SIX year old!


One of our many trips around the block!

Christmas Eve excitement.

Snow day fun!
Some days were better than others. This year brought its fair share of time outs & sick days, chaos & coffee, and long nights and rainy mornings. But despite all the ups & downs, we made it through!

Speaking of ups & downs, the night in a bunk bed was one of our best days of the year!

The flu caught us all this year and forced us to slow down.

Smiles on a rainy day
When I look back on this year I realize that we somehow we’ve landed in this sweet spot of parenting. We’re out of diapers, past bottles and able to participate in plenty of fun activities.
So tomorrow we bid farewell to this school year. Thanks to a vacation day, I’ll pick up Kenzie at school, we will wave good-bye to the beeping buses (such a cute school tradition) and we will officially kick off summer with some putt putt and ice cream. Check & check! There might be some tears but it’s only because we’re saying good-bye to something so great.

Sweet moments from this year
Cheers to summer 2019! May your days be long, may your drinks be chilled and may your memories fill you with enough happiness that you might not want to say good-bye. After all, I’m not crying. You’re crying.
P.S. Here are some other great memories of the year worth sharing! (aka I may never finish the kid’s scrapbooks so I use my blog instead)

Field Day 2019

Kenzie’s 1st talent show. She did an acro solo to Stupid Cupid.

Monkey is growing up too! Mitchell likes to measure him before bedtime.

Mitchell’s 1st year of t-ball

Bus stop cartwheels

A few of the best nights of the whole year. Our long-awaited trip to Disney.

Meeting Mickey & Minnie.

Roller coaster love! He made it on with about 1 cm to spare.

Magical night at Bibbidi bobbidi boutique.

These two. 🙂