Eight is Great!

Wasn’t is just yesterday that we were worried about the seating chart and the intro songs?  Wasn’t it just yesterday that we traveled to Athens, Ohio to get married?  Wasn’t it just yesterday that we met at the end of the aisle, said I Do and sealed it with a kiss?  Wasn’t it just yesterday that we started our life together as husband and wife and waited for our Someday to begin?

wedding sunset pic

A rocking party if I say so myself!


Wasn’t it just yesterday that we honeymooned in Aruba?

And then it did…

Our Someday began and it’s been good and it’s been fun.  It’s been challenging and it’s been emotional and it’s been memorable.  It’s been a Sold sign, a Masters thesis, a flooded basement.  It’s been a few trips to the Caribbean, and a few trips to the ER.  It’s been a lot of neighbor parties, and a lot of paint colors.

It’s been an I’m Pregnant!   It’s been a broken heart.  It’s been another I’m Pregnant, and a lot of pink to follow.

FB - First family photo

Party of three!

It’s been baby showers and dirty diapers. First cries, first smiles and first steps.  It’s been breast pumps and postpartum emotions.  It’s been so fun that we did it again.  A little boy, and a little baseball mitt…


Late nights, lots of coffee.  It’s been ear aches, blowouts, diaper rash, two screaming babies and too little sleep.  It’s been juggling careers, and friends and bills.  It’s been hard at times, so damn hard.  And then just when meltdown seemed imminent, it’s been soft & sweet & real.  It’s been cuddly naps with cuddly newborns.  It’s been dance parties and baby hugs and family trips to the zoo.  It’s been a glance in the midst of chaos.  It’s been an occasional date night.  It’s been Disney and the Polar Express and Lake George. It’s been all I thought it would be and more.


It’s been tough, but more important than that it’s been pretty awesome.  It’s been us, and our two little sidekicks.  It’s been us, growing older and growing wiser.  And it’s been a walk through life that has long surpassed that walk down the aisle.


It’s been eight years and it’s been a pretty great start to our Someday.  I can’t wait to see what the rest of the ride entails.


Happy Anniversary Denny!  There’s none else I’d rather hang out with during this crazy ride called marriage.


Vows 2.1

With this ring, I thee wed…

Seven years ago today at 4:55 pm, Denny and I said these words to each other.

We kissed to make it official, and then we threw an awesome party to celebrate (and it was awesome if I say so myself)!

We were so young!

There are few, if any, things I would change about these seven years as husband and wife.  I might take more opportunities to do something nice for Denny, and I might take less opportunities to take out my frustrations or tiredness on him.  Perhaps we could have found time for more date nights and maybe another vacation or two, but otherwise, it’s been a great ride!

But if I could go back to those vows… if I could take what I know now and go back to those words we stood up and said to each other in front of all the people we love so much, here’s what I would add to them.


I, Erin, take you Denny, to be my husband…

I, Erin, also take you Denny, to be my fellow explorer when we toured Aruba on four wheelers on our honeymoon, my golf partner, my taste tester of new recipes (sorry honey!), my fellow house hunter, my co-swearer when the basement flooded on day 3 of home ownership, my painter, my grad school study buddy, my fellow flip cup teacher to the new neighborhood, my pizza orderer because you’re so much better at it than I am, my car buying companion, my personal masseuse while in labor, my co-diaper changer, my listener during hormonal meltdowns, my supporter when I just don’t know what the baby needs, my photographer when our daughter took her first steps, my voice of reason when we found out we were pregnant again, my rock when we had an unplanned c-section, my coffee getter when we were just so darn tired that only a cup of Timmy Ho’s will do, and my favorite co-tourist when we feel brave enough to take the kiddos out & about.

To have and to hold…

to listen and to respond, to screw up and to try harder next time, to challenge and to be challenged, to aggravate and to apologize, to pick up dinner and to share cleaning duties, to support and to appreciate…

from this day forward.

For better or for worse…

for wedding weight and for baby weight.

For richer, for poorer…

for times of savings and for times of broken water heaters, for cheap pasta dinners and for overly-expensive trips to the beach.

In sickness and in health…

in times of emergency appendectomy and in times of devastating miscarriage, in times of sunburn and in times of diaper rash.

To love and to cherish…

to make laugh and to barely tolerate, to share the remote and to share kids bed & bath duties, to share glances when we get a chance and to share nights out when we get a sitter, to enjoy our awesome kiddos, to learn, to grow, to try my absolute hardest every day to be better than the day before…

And I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.

This part never changes.

This is my solemn vow.


IMG_5955.JPGHappy Seven Years Denny McGee!  Looking forward to writing our next years together.


You’ve come a long way baby… 100th Post!

It’s a big week to say the least.  For those of you counting (um, zero of you), the wait is over!

The 100th post has arrived !!!!!

Not sure who this little girl is, but sometimes when I’m excited about stuff I do this in my head! Thank you nameless girl for living out my dream!

It’s a big week of milestones and I didn’t want to miss this blogging milestone, so if figured I’d do a blog post full of the topics that float through my mind each day.  Most of them have already earned a blog post or two (or more).

Without further adieu, the ABC’s of Mommy McBlog.


A – A blog.  It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming McBlog into the world.  And here we are 100 posts later.  She’s growing up so fast!

B – Baby.  A super cute baby girl names Makenzie Ruth.  She’s what inspired this blog.  We kind of like her and have written a post (or 99) about her.

C – College (go OU!).  My four years as an undergrad actually prepared me to be a mom, read about it here

D – Dear Makenzie… some notes I’ve been jotting down to our girl about ears, Lysol and lots of other randomness

E – Erin, that’s me.

F – Feeding time for the under 1 crowd aka breastfeeding.  This was a tough one to write but I’m SO glad I did! 

G – GOLF!  

H – Hanging with cousins!

I – Itsa Party

J – Journey with a Jeep

K – Keeping up with the, uh, McGees?   Toys R Us coupon drama and museum trips… Not quite exciting or glamorous, but what’s your other option right now, an E! rerun?

L – Labor & Delivery and the music to go with it.  Yikes!

M – Makenzie Ruth!!!   Ever since she came into our lives 362 days ago, our world has never been the same!

N – Nursery, aka The Kenzie Inn.  Check out where this little pumpkin lays her head each night.

O – Ohio University!!!!! 

P – Pregnancy and the fun that goes with it.  Apparently in my pre-baby days I had too much time on my hand and I created the pregnancy Olympics.  What was I thinking?

Q – Quiltys!!   I love these people.  This year has been a really sad year for us… we’re always keeping the people we love so much in our hearts

R – Remembering how lucky we are to be here.  It wasn’t always an easy journey

S – Stickers.  We Love those Picky Stickies 

T – The truth about Pinterest

U – Us, meaning me and my cute hubby.  We’ve been legally locked together for 5 years and so far, so good.  Sure we have days when we want to throw dirty diapers at each other, but he’s a best dad/husband/friend Makenzie and I could ever ask for.

V -View on Life – Changing Diapers or Building a Cathedral

W – Working Moms, phew!  Not an easy job.

X –X-tra quarters in the meter

Y – You!!  It means a lot that you stop by this blog on occasion.  Thank you!

Z – Zoo?  It’s all I can think of for Z.  I’m so glad we took her here or I wouldn’t be able to finish this post.

100 Posts and going strong.  I still love this blog for a chance to write down a memory or share some insight with other Moms. I hope you like it too.  Here’s to 100 more!


100 Posts and a 1-year old baby girl.  What a week!

Join the celebration on Facebook 

Mommy McBlog


FIVE Years!

Five Years!  And Yes, I’d say I Do all over again!

(Denny, I sure hope you feel the same)

8_16 Wedding photo with veil

This year has brought the most change so far!  I can get wordy and sappy and long-winded about this year, but instead I’m going to use the same method to explain how I feel as 554 million users do each day… hashtags!

In honor of 5 years of marriage I’m going to recap our years together using only 5 hashtags for each year!  (Don’t try this at home)

Here goes…

2004 – The year we met…

#IWasOnlyCallingForADonation      #StarsAreAligned     #HottieHottieAlumni

#TimeToMeetTheParents      #SoHappySoSappy

2005 – A Year of Fun and new Zip Codes

#BricksAndBeer     #PompAndCircumstance     #TimeForABigKidJob

#UnexpectedJobTransfer      #WeMustLoveEachotherToDriveThisMuch

2006 – The Year we found out if we really liked eachother

#FinallyLivingInTheSameState     #LifesBetterInTheBuff     #Don’tTellGrandmaWe’reLivingInSin

#MeetLexiKitty     #WhoKnewWeEvenLikedCats

2007 – The Year of Will You

#WillYouMarryMe?     #YES!!!!!!!     #WeddingPlanningPalooza

#GoodThingWeGoToSoManyWeddings     #WhereWasPinterestWhenIWasABride

2008 – The Year of O-H-I-dO!

#TheCountdownIsOn     #FunHappyBestMostAmazingDayEver     #PartyInAthens

#WeHeartOurFriendsAndFamily     #AmazingAruba

2009 – The Year of Being Adults

#SOLD     #WereHomeowners     #RememberWhenWeThoughtPaitningWouldBeFun

#WhyDidWeThinkGradSchoolWasAGoodIdea     #INeedANap

2010 – The Year of Surviving on little sleep (or so we thought)

#75HourWorkWeeksSuck     #UhOhWeHaventEvenStartedThatPaper     #MmmmmCoffee

#SpouseStudyBuddies     #WeLoveTakeOut

2011 – The Year of Lots of Celebration

#GradSchoolGrads     #FlipCupAtTheMcGees     #BahamasBaby

#FreeTimeRocks     #BabyMaybe

2012 – The Real Year of Surviving on Little Sleep aka The Year of meeting our Makenzie

#WerePregnant!     #ItsAGirl    #MeetMakenzieRuth

#WereMadlyInLove     #BestYearEver

2013 – The Year of Hey We’re Parents

#ItRocksToBeParents     #WereCluelessAsParents     #MakenzieIsHilarious

#IStillNeedANap     #HeyWeMadeItFiveYearsAndWeStillLikeEachOtherMostDays


And it’s the truth!  We Still Like Each other (most days) and we still love each other all days!!

Denny, I don’t think I’ll ever stop asking, How’d we get so lucky?  With each other, with our families, with the opportunities and experiences we’ve been given and with our awesome little family.   We got lucky.  Really Really lucky!

Wedding laughsI Love You!  Here’s to 50 more, xoxo

PS  Maybe by then we’ll really figure out how to learn hashtags!


If you think pretending to use hashtags is fun,

you should join Mommy McBlog on Facebook!

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