You’ve come a long way baby… 100th Post!

It’s a big week to say the least.  For those of you counting (um, zero of you), the wait is over!

The 100th post has arrived !!!!!

Not sure who this little girl is, but sometimes when I’m excited about stuff I do this in my head! Thank you nameless girl for living out my dream!

It’s a big week of milestones and I didn’t want to miss this blogging milestone, so if figured I’d do a blog post full of the topics that float through my mind each day.  Most of them have already earned a blog post or two (or more).

Without further adieu, the ABC’s of Mommy McBlog.


A – A blog.  It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming McBlog into the world.  And here we are 100 posts later.  She’s growing up so fast!

B – Baby.  A super cute baby girl names Makenzie Ruth.  She’s what inspired this blog.  We kind of like her and have written a post (or 99) about her.

C – College (go OU!).  My four years as an undergrad actually prepared me to be a mom, read about it here

D – Dear Makenzie… some notes I’ve been jotting down to our girl about ears, Lysol and lots of other randomness

E – Erin, that’s me.

F – Feeding time for the under 1 crowd aka breastfeeding.  This was a tough one to write but I’m SO glad I did! 

G – GOLF!  

H – Hanging with cousins!

I – Itsa Party

J – Journey with a Jeep

K – Keeping up with the, uh, McGees?   Toys R Us coupon drama and museum trips… Not quite exciting or glamorous, but what’s your other option right now, an E! rerun?

L – Labor & Delivery and the music to go with it.  Yikes!

M – Makenzie Ruth!!!   Ever since she came into our lives 362 days ago, our world has never been the same!

N – Nursery, aka The Kenzie Inn.  Check out where this little pumpkin lays her head each night.

O – Ohio University!!!!! 

P – Pregnancy and the fun that goes with it.  Apparently in my pre-baby days I had too much time on my hand and I created the pregnancy Olympics.  What was I thinking?

Q – Quiltys!!   I love these people.  This year has been a really sad year for us… we’re always keeping the people we love so much in our hearts

R – Remembering how lucky we are to be here.  It wasn’t always an easy journey

S – Stickers.  We Love those Picky Stickies 

T – The truth about Pinterest

U – Us, meaning me and my cute hubby.  We’ve been legally locked together for 5 years and so far, so good.  Sure we have days when we want to throw dirty diapers at each other, but he’s a best dad/husband/friend Makenzie and I could ever ask for.

V -View on Life – Changing Diapers or Building a Cathedral

W – Working Moms, phew!  Not an easy job.

X –X-tra quarters in the meter

Y – You!!  It means a lot that you stop by this blog on occasion.  Thank you!

Z – Zoo?  It’s all I can think of for Z.  I’m so glad we took her here or I wouldn’t be able to finish this post.

100 Posts and going strong.  I still love this blog for a chance to write down a memory or share some insight with other Moms. I hope you like it too.  Here’s to 100 more!


100 Posts and a 1-year old baby girl.  What a week!

Join the celebration on Facebook 

Mommy McBlog


Mommy McBlog and the Pursuit of Happiness


happy bday americaand



A big celebration in the McGee House!  And Yes, even a laptop needs a bib when eating dessert.

The two Birthday kids are about 236 years apart but it turns out they share a common theme – the pursuit of happiness.

The pursuit of happiness theme probably make sense to you when it comes to our country, but let me explain how it pertains to a blog…

One year ago yesterday (July 4, 2012) I published the very first Mommy McBlog post, and since then I’ve fallen in love.  When it comes to blogging I really feel like I’ve found my little place in this world.  It makes me happy to be able to put my experiences into words, and I’m hoping that some of my random rambling resonates with others too.  In 365 days I’ve managed to turn my experiences into 85 blog posts that have been read by people in 36 countries.  Crazy right?  Thank you, thank you, thank you!   I’m incredibly honored that you’ve stopped by to read about this journey of ours.

But I think this blog can be even more…

I’m a big believer in dreams and call me crazy but I have a huge dream about this blog.  Someday I want Mommy McBlog to be a household name for Moms.  Someday I’d love to have opportunities to personally meet and speak to Moms groups.  Someday I’d love the honor to be considered the expert in parenting with a sense of humor (not to be confused with an expert parent, which I’m clearly not).  Someday I’d love for people to be able to read this blog and feel like they they’re not alone with the challenges of parenting.

Parenting is no joke, but I think it can be made much easier with some humor.  I definitely don’t recall humor being a topic in any part of birth class so here I am to bring it to the forefront of parent’s minds.   And here is my ask for you… if you hate the blog, tell me what I can do to make it better.  If you like the blog, tell me what other topics you want to hear about.  If you love the blog, pass it along.  share it with friends, neighbors, sisters and other Moms!

Perhaps in another 236 years people will be shooting off fireworks and grilling up burgers and weenies to celebrate the birthday of Mommy McBlog!  Perhaps not, but even if you think I’m nuts, follow my journey so your children’s children’s children can enjoy another federal holiday over the summer.


Follow along

Mommy McBlog

on the pursuit of Parenting Happiness!
