Archives for September 2012

36 Week Bumpdate!

36 Weeks!!

The stickers look much cuter on her little outfits than on mine

Beanette is due in exactly 4 weeks, and I can’t believe how fast the past nine months have come and gone!

Beanette is Bump-tastic!!


Starting today we visit our doctor weekly.  Apparently they like seeing us so much they have decided they can’t go more than 7 days without a visit from us… I’m pretty sure it’s due to our dashing good looks and Denny’s charm. 

The visit today went great!  We got to see Beanette on the big screen and she was looking extra cute.  Her hand was in front of her face so we didn’t get any great photos, but we’ll more than make up for that once she arrives.

Here are the other Beanette updates:

  • She is currently weighing about 6 lbs and 3 ounces (Beanette has requested that I stop announcing her weight once she turns 3 so enjoy these updates while they last)
  • She is expected to weigh about 7 1/2 – 8 lbs at birth (Lexi is thrilled to maintain her status of Tiniest McGee – at her last vet appointment  she was at 6 lbs, 13 oz).  I’m thrilled she might actually fit into newborn clothes!  I have had recurring fears of trying to deliver a 14 lb baby.
  • She is head down currently, but she hasn’t started any other steps to her arrival just yet
  • The Dr. said we have at least 3 weeks before we meet her, likely more

We are just about ready too… 

Laundry, check! 

Nursery, check! 

Carseat installed, check! 

Patience and excitement, check and check!! 




Picture of the Week *Fight On for Family*

My extended family received some tough news lately so I thought it was time to take a little break from the baby countdown and focus on some completely amazing people in our life…  people who I want Beanette to be able to grow up and spend time with so she can see just how lucky she is to be born into a crazy, funny, supportive, AWESOME family!!!

It was Labor Day weekend two years ago that we had a very special family reunion in Buffalo at our house!  My Dad is one of five kids, and from those five kids we’ve grown to a family of about 45 people (what can I say, we are apparently good at procreating).  We don’t get together as often as I wish we did, but when we do spend time together it’s like we’ve never been apart.  We couldn’t get the entire clan together two years ago, but we had representation from Canada, Cali, Michigan, Florida, Ohio and Pa!  Not bad!


The group Q photo! Love, Love, LOVE this family!

We got crafty and made a Q collage… each person had their own square to decorate!

During the recent years our family has been touched deeply by cancer… and I think it’s time to show our stance on this completely stupid disease and focus on making some good memories again.  So, from now on, there are new rules in the family…  Cancer is NOT invited, NOT welcome, and NOT allowed to visit our family. 

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, cancer!

As a family we will Stand Up and Fight this stupid disease! 

Cancer, you clearly don’t know who you are messing with; your party is O-V-E-R!


TWO Picky Stickys To Go!

It’s September! 

We are officially one month and one day away from our Beanette’s due date!


I have known Beanette’s due date since January but I don’t think I realized just how close we are to meeting her until I noticed this morning that we only have two Picky Stickys to go!  What are Picky Stickys you ask?  The best baby gift ever… check out their Website to see for yourself.  And they have Mom stickers to track how far along you are.  That’s what I’ve been using since January.  And we are down to just two stickers…

Just two stickers (one which we will use on Tuesday)!   Wow!   But I have a little confession.. I didn’t buy the stickers in January when I found out we were pregnant.  I bought mine in December of 2010 (21 months ago) when we decided that maybe, just maybe, we were ready to be parents. 

They sat in my top drawer hidden behind socks hoping that my early purchase didn’t jinx our potential to have a baby.  It took us a little bit of time to get pregnant but we did!   And then we had an unexpected loss 7 weeks into the first pregnancy, which broke our hearts.   But we were lucky enough to get pregnant a second time, and Finally have a reason to pull those Mom Picky Stickys out of my drawer. 

So here we are, just 31 days and 2 Picky Stickys away from our Sweet Baby Girls due date.   It’s hard to believe that this is about to happen.  Her room is just about completed, her clothes are almost all washed, and I think we are almost ready to say Good-bye to Mom Picky Stickys and Hello to our daughter.   We hope she is just as excited as we are!   
