What. A. Week!
I’ve been trying to prep for the impending arrival of our little girl and I’ve been trying to prep for 3 months away from the office. Both are keeping me quite busy. Aside from that we had a short (and fun) visit from my parents this weekend. And we’ve been trying to find time to clean, cook and do laundry (my darn housekeeper never shows up!). In addition from the everyday life, here’s a quick update of where we are.
37 Weeks and 5 days…
That’s where we are!
Smack dab in the middle of She can arrive at any minute-ville! Woah!!
I feel great ! I’m pretty big and I’m getting some crazy restless legs at night, but overall I feel great. I’m a big believer of mind over matter right now. In November when we lost our first pregnancy I remember thinking, “How can anyone ever complain about being lucky enough to be pregnant?” And that is the thought I have everyday. When I feel tired and puffy, I just think about how Incredibly Lucky I am to be tired and puffy. It’s not something that everyone is lucky enough to experience and we are 37.5 weeks into it. It’s pretty cool.
Anxious. Excited. Disbelief. Nervous. Happy. Blessed. Scared. SURREAL!
There are just not words to describe what we feel right now. We are aware that something big, huge, life-changing is about to happen, but it is hard to wrap our minds around it.
Some days all I can think about is holding that sweet little girl. Some days all I can think about is how or if I will ever get all my work done in time to be away for 3 months, and Some days I think a Whoa, I sure hope we can handle this.
So essentially it’s the calm before the storm. We’re working… we are waiting… we are wondering. We’ll keep you posted when the Beanette picks her Birthday.
Until then, have a great weekend! 🙂
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