Dear Makenzie… A little note to the very special Birthday Girl

Dear Makenzie Ruth,

I say your full name not because you’re in trouble but because I like to say it.  Makenzie Ruth.  Makenzie Ruth.  It makes me smile.  And it makes you feel more real.   And after celebrating your 1st Birthday this weekend I’m having trouble believing it’s real.  How did a year pass so quickly?  I feel like it was only a few weeks ago that you were born.


I have a little confession.   Before you were born I would talk to you all the time.  I told you that I had it all under control and that I knew what I was doing.   Well, I lied.  Not intentionally, but the second we left the hospital your dad and I looked at each other and worried that we didn’t have the slightest idea of how to take care of you.  On your first night at home we all slept in the family room because we were too scared to carry you up the stairs and put you in your room by yourself.  Luckily we’ve since overcome the fear of stairs.

And luckily I didn’t lie to you about everything.  In fact there are a few things I want to tell you a hundred more times because when I said it the first time I meant it…

  • You’re the most beautiful baby girl ever, inside and out!  True story.  I’ve said it a million times and I’ve meant it a million more times.  Just look in the mirror.
  • My goal is for you to be healthy and happy.   And maybe if I’m lucky I can teach you a thing or two about life – how to swing a golf club, how to have compassion for those around you, how to have appreciation for your good days, and how to have a sense of humor for your not so good days.

And most importantly,

  • I’m here for you always.  Even during teething pain at 3 am… even during nights when there are monsters under your bed… even during scary thunderstorms… even during junior high when the boy you like won’t ask you to dance (his loss, and I promise I won’t literally be there but I’ll be a text away)… even during finals week at grad school (again, not literally there, but just call me)… even during the toughest times of your life and especially during the happiest moments of you life.  I’ll always be there for you – as your mom, as your support, as the one who will keep your heart safe.

Thank you so much Makenzie Ruth.  You’ve brought a whole new level of happiness into our world.  You’ve also brought me a whole new appreciation for coffee (and I mean that in the best way possible).

Happy Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!  May all your wishes come true (mine already have).




  1. so perfectly stated, as usual! great job momma! she sure us lucky to have you and denny 🙂 love you all so very much! xoxo

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