Hello… is this thing on?
I have been MIA from pretty much everything lately because 2016 has been sickity-sick-sick. These poor kiddos can’t seem to catch a break… strep, croup, viral infections, colds, 5 infected ears, flu and many more Mitchell pass-out episodes.
There have been many nights where Denny and I looked at each other with the what the heck are we going to do look that all you parents out there know so well. The look that asks, “How high is too high for a fever?… “Who’s going to miss work again this week?”… “How can we possibly go another night without sleep?” This year has included lots of looks. Looks of concern, looks of frustration, looks of exhaustion.
But just when we thought we couldn’t juggle one more schedule, or squeeze in one more trip to the doctor’s office, we realized all the support around us. And we realized we are incredibly lucky!
Our pediatricians have squeezed us in over a dozen times, our parents have driven hundreds of miles, our bosses have understood, our co-workers have done favors, our favorite Timmy’s drive-thru employees have kept the coffee hot, our neighbors have kept the thoughts positive, and the EMT’s have kept us calm in the most unexpected of situations.
And now that spring is getting closer, we’re hoping the season of sick is getting further away. We’re ready for healthy kids & happy outings. But before we get back to normal we owe a few Thank you’s to some of our favorite people. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our awesome village!! Thanks for all the good thoughts & thanks for all the hot coffee!
PS Does springtime = blog time? Let’s hope!
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