Dear Makenzie, there’s someone I always want you to remember…

Dear Makenzie,

A few months back I promised I would use part of this blog to write to you all about life and lessons and love.  I promised I’d tell you all about the important things I always want to you tuck away in a safe spot in your heart.  I have something very important I want to share with you.  I want to tell you all about your Great Aunt Lorraine.


Aunt Lorraine at the Q family reunion a few years back with her “Q” award

This week has been a very sad week for our family because we lost your wonderful Great Aunt Lorraine after a courageous battle with a disease not worth mentioning.  I write this post to you because I always want you to know about Aunt Lorraine!  She was hilarious, interesting, beautiful, talented and SO FUN!!!

Your Great Aunt Lorraine was the coolest Aunt!  She used to have a light-up Christmas sweatshirt, which always made me smile when I was a kid.   And she and Uncle Jim were always taking Aunt Melissa and I fun places when we were little – Indians games, Nutcracker ballet, and even a trip to Canada once.


Your mom and Aunt Lorraine, sometime in the 90’s

I can write for days about the wonderful memories I have of Aunt Lorraine but most importantly I want you to know about her ability to always find the bright side of things.  She really really knew how to enjoy life.  I hope you someday do the same.

Pictures are really worth a thousand words so I have included some pictures below for you to know all about your Great Aunt Lorraine.  She will be forever missed.

Love you lots Kenz,

Mom, xoxo

Aunt Lorraine Uncle Jim

Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Jim – so in love!!

Aunt Lorraine camera

Aunt Lorraine loved her photography

Aunt Lorraine zany

Always so so fun!

Aunt Lorraine photography

Some of her photography talent

Aunt Lorraine taking a picture

Always capturing the sunsets

PS  I’m so glad that Aunt Lorraine was able to see your sweet smile and get to know you!  Check out her time with you…

Aunt Lorraine and Makenzie

Makenzie you were just a few weeks old when we took your first road trip to Ohio to meet Aunt Lorraine


Wisdom from Aunt Lorraine to you at your shower!


At your baby shower everyone wrote you notes. Aunt Lorraine wrote about you, “She will be a star in Hollywood” Maybe someday you will!


I think this was her secret…

Secret of genius

Dear Makenzie… A mother’s Day note from me to you

Dear Makenzie,

In case I haven’t shared this with you, my goal is to live to at least 100 so I can watch you grow, cheer for you, teach you, discipline you (sorry kiddo, it’s part of the game), comfort you, support you when you have to learn those necessary but difficult life lessons, and love you unconditionally.  I’m the only Mom you’ll ever have so even on the days when you swear that I ruined your life forever (followed by a dramatic door slam) just know that I’m still here for you.  Basically you’re stuck with me for good.  And I have about a million things I’d like to share with you so we’ll definitely need a good 50-70 more years together.   But in case we only get 49 years together or in case I forget something I want to teach you (not that I’d ever forget anything, except your bottles the other day, oops), I figured I’ll write it all down so you can someday read it.  So here goes…

Tomorrow is my 1st official Mother’s Day (unless you count last year when you were hanging out in my tummy) but I don’t need or want anything from you.  Instead I want to tell you that you’ve made me one of the luckiest mamas in the world.  The day is supposedly about appreciating Moms but without you I would not be one so let’s share this one together.

When I first laid eyes on you in the wee hours of the morning on October 4th, you absolutely melted my heart.  You were (and continue to be) the coolest baby of all time!  I’m not sure how you do it but you amaze me, you crack me up, you make me get up in the middle of the night without a second thought (a miracle in itself because I love my sleep), you make it okay to sing Wheels on the Bus all through the grocery store, and you make my heart feel so full that I honestly think it might explode some days.


Kenz, you’re kind of like hitting the baby lottery (except you make our bank account smaller not larger but you know what I mean).   And I’m still not sure how your dad and I got so lucky to have such a happy, healthy and sweet baby girl but we did.  We promise to never go a day without thanking our lucky stars, and to never ever take you for granted.

So let’s take each Mother’s Day as a chance to be extra appreciative that we have each other.  Let’s use Mother’s Day as another excuse to not worry about the obligations and To Do lists in life (which could be particularly difficult if you’ve inherited my Type-A traits), but instead use it as a day to hang out longer, stay up a little later and share some extra time together.

On Mother’s Day, it you & me, girl!  Who knows, 70 days like this might just fly by so let’s kick tomorrow off in style.  Snuggles, playtime, Elmo dance party, brunch and all your favorite books.

Love you SO much Kenzie, xoxo


PS  Let’s also take tomorrow to be SO grateful for all the other wonderful Moms, Aunts, Nanas, Mamaws and Great-Grandmas in our little world.  I can’t say it enough, but how’d we get so lucky?

Makenzie's GREAT grandparents.  What a lucky lady she is to have 6 grandparents!

Makenzie’s GREAT grandparents

5_4 Kenz Nana

Nana and her girl

5_5 Nancy and girls

A long line of McGee ladies

Auntie Melissa, cousin Jack, Kenz and Mom

Auntie Melissa, cousin Jack, Kenz and Mom

And last but not least some long distance love to Grammy Boo in Texas. See you soon, xoxo