It’s A….

Blog post about a really memorable day!!!!


Just like that…

we have a TWO year old


we’re having a BOY!

Needless to say, Makenzie’s Birthday was a SPECIAL day.

Saturday, October 4th was Makenzie’s official Birthday AND 1st tap class day, party day and gender reveal day.  Phew, I still need a nap from all the fun.


Wake up Birthday Girl!

Our day started bright and early and included bagels, decorations and some presents.


Sleepy head Birthday girl


After breakfast Makenzie and I headed to her very first tap class!  It’s a Mommy & Me class at a local dance center.  She was shy in the beginning but warmed up in no time.  This weekend was her third lesson and she’s really starting to get it.  It’s amazing to watch her follow instructions so well.  Stay tuned for June when we’re both in the recital (luckily the moms only have a small role).  We dress in all black to hide from the spotlight.


Those leggies!!


Radio City Rockettes, here she comes!



Then came the party fun!!

We made it a Sweet Shop theme.

Our little sweetie is turning Two,

celebrate as we find out if her sibling will be Pink or Blue!

It wasn’t exactly Pinterest perfect but overall I think it turned out cute.


The sweet shop. I swear it was for the kids and not for my pregnant self.


Party decos!


Aaaaaand the most important gift of the day. 🙂



Dad Q got crafty with the pumpkins to make sure they were carved appropriately.


Then came cake time AND reveal time!




She was excited and ready to go!



Make a Wish Makenzie!!


Aaaaaaaaand a look into her first present revealed that…


Makenzie will be getting a BROTHER!!!!!!!!



She was clearly very excited.

Denny and I both expected to see Pink in the box so it was an incredibly exciting and emotional moment for us!  We can’t wait to see Makenzie love on her little brother.  It’s going to be a fun experience to bring a little boy into this world.  I’m sure we’ll get peed on plenty of times but we know this little guy will be the perfect way to complete our family.


The rest of the day flew by and we loved spending time with some of our favorite people!


Cousin Connor with Kenzie and Jack Jack




Kenzie loves PapPap



And we ended the day with some late night silliness… Jazz Hands for a little BOY!!


A HUGE Thank You to everyone who came over to make Makenzie’s Birthday really special!!   It’s going to be a fun & blue-filled year!

And to Makenzie, thank you for sharing your Birthday excitement with your brother.  I still can’t believe you are TWO (even though you’ve been telling people you are two for months now).  I know you’re going to be a great Big Sis!  Please don’t put make-up on our brother and we’ll make sure he doesn’t try to date your friends.

Love you to the moon & back Birthday girl!



And just like that…

And just like that my one-year old baby girl went to bed and will wake up a two-year old!

Somehow it’s been two whole years since we were anxiously waiting in the hospital to meet our daughter.  I was happily sedated thanks to an epidural and Nubain and Denny was being a rock star husband and dad and making sure that I stayed happily sedated (the happy wife, happy life theory even holds true in the delivery room).  It’s been two of the most wonderful, most challenging and most fun years of our lives.

8 then 9 centimeters

Waiting for our girl

FB - First family photo

On October 4 at 3:44 am, we welcomed with love Makenzie Ruth. She was 8 lbs and 3 oz. Just perfect!

First smiles and first giggles, first proud moments crawling forward and taking steps, first exciting trips to Rolly Pollies and first fear-filled trips to Urgent Care.  First words, first songs and first I Love Yous.

And the coolest part is that I’m pretty sure this is just the beginning.  I don’t want to take anything for granted but I have an inkling that it keeps getting better and that the love and admiration for your kids only grows with each new candle on their cake.


Tomorrow is a BIG Day in the McGee House.  Makenzie Ruth will wake up as a two year old.  She’ll take her first tap lesson.  She’ll take a nap and then celebrate being two with some of our best friends and family.  Between time for cupcakes and balloons, she’ll find out if her new sibling will be a boy or a girl.  Whoa!  Get the already-hormonal mom tissues loaded up for this day.

It’s beyond exciting to think that we’ll soon have two little bursts of energy running around the house.  Two little sets up arms to hug each morning, two little giggles to keep the house noisy, and two little snuggles buddies to read to at bedtime.

Whether the envelope tomorrow reveals pink or blue, we will be thrilled.  Pink means that Makenzie will get the amazing gift of a sister and Denny will get two very special walks down the aisle.  Blue means that our lives will be full of mud pies and sports, and Denny will get to pass on his signature slurveball secrets to a son.  Either one is awesome!


In just a few hours (about 18 to be exact), we will get one more hint into what our future holds.  We’ll find out a little bit more about this snuggly little baby who will soon be joining our family.  Somehow these little moments of life happen and create a really cool journey.  Not always expected and not always easy, but always worthwhile.

And just like that  my heart is overflowing with love yet again, and we’re reminded how incredibly lucky we are to have our sweet Makenzie Ruth and her new little sidekick.

fam photo 1

McGee, party of four, your future awaits…


Stay tuned, it’s going to be a fun 24 hours!



Dear Makenzie, absence makes the heart grow fonder

Dear Makenzie,

Hi munchkin!  Guess what?!?   We’re getting closer to October!  October means long weekends, a trip to the pumpkin patch, your Birthday and your sibling’s gender reveal.

This goes without saying but September has been crazy.  It is easily my busiest month of the year at work.  I miss you when I’m gone but I’m thankful I have a job I love.  I’m thankful that the best Daddy Daycare conveniently opens at 5 pm each night (and sometimes on the weekends).  I’m thankful for the cute CEO of Daddy Daycare.  I’m thankful you don’t mind easy meals like Digiorno pizzas and chicken nuggets.  And I’m thankful that your little heart is full of forgiveness when I work late or miss a bedtime.

But to be honest, this month hasn’t been all bad.  It’s reminded me that it’s okay to have a career AND a family.  It turns out that the world won’t explode when I’m gone from you.  In fact, you have tons of fun at the world-famous Daddy Daycare, and I’m a more appreciative mom because I value my time with you so much more.

This month has reminded me that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  During the time we’ve spent together I’ve appreciated you SO much more, and you’ve melted my heart SO much more.

Here are some of my favorite little things you do…

You sing.  During bedtime a few weeks ago I sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to you and you started singing back to me.  Talk about melting my heart!

You show me stuff.  Big stuff, little stuff and everything in between.  You take my hand and say, “Come mama, come.”  We look at rocks, and flowers and dolls, and all kinds of fun stuff.  How lucky am I to be the one worthwhile of seeing the world from your perspective?

You talk to your baby sibling.  Lately you like to touch my belly and say. “Hi baby!  Hiiii!”  I’m not sure if you grasp what’s about to happen in a few months, but we don’t really grasp it either so I guess we’ll learn together.

And most importantly, you always take those cute little chubby arms of your and throw them around my neck when I get home.  No matter how long I’ve been gone, you always greet me with a big hug. and a “Love you Mama.”

Sometimes life keeps us busier than we might think we can handle, but the time away sure makes me extra grateful for the time together.  Makenzie, you continue to grow and amaze me every single day.  Somehow, you are a mere 5 days away from being TWO years old!  You… my sweet, colicky, newborn baby girl… are growing up!  I can’t promise I’ll be there for you every moment of your life, but I can promise I’ll never take our time for granted.

Erin Kenz color

My buddy! Love this little girl.

Get out your party hat and your pumpkin socks Makenzie… October is just around the corner!






Dear Makenzie, you’re my favorite staycation buddy

Dear Makenzie,

Hi little pumpkin, it’s me, Mom.  You will undoubtedly grow older and forget many of the moments and experiences of your childhood, but I want you to always know what a special week we just had.

Last week your Dad and I took time off work for a family staycation.  We saved you the misery of a long road trip, we woke up in our own beds each morning, and we were able to be tourists in our own backyard.  It was a great week and you were a very fun little staycation buddy.


In case you someday forget, here is our virtual scrapbook of the week:

::  A Trip to the Olcott Beach Carousel Park  ::

This is THE cutest little kiddie park!  You rode over 20 rides and loved the short lines.  And as a bonus, it’s only a quarter per ride.  We’ll definitely be back!


The old school beep beep cars. You liked to pull the string and ring the bell.



Flying high in the jet fighters



Family hot air ride while dressed in our finest bonnets (ignore the blank stare on your cousin’s face in the swim trunks)


::  Playdate fun  ::


Tickle monster visit


::  A trip to Sunset Bay Beach  ::

Luckily we had hot weather one of the days and we headed to the shores of Lake Erie for some fun in the sun.


You loved the sand and the water! You’re our little beach baby 🙂


::  Breakfast fun  ::

We spent mornings spent in our jammies and you did a great job helping me make pancakes, yum!


Try it Mom!

 ::  Visit from Mamaw and PapPap  ::


Loving your Mamaw


Swing with pappap 8_2014

You had a great time riding the ‘Wheee!’ with Pappap

::  A trip to the county fair  ::

Nothing says county fair like a ride on the mini tractors.  My favorite attraction was the hand sanitizing station.


The beep beep tractors


Thank you Makenzie for bringing so much fun into our world!  Your Dad and I would not know what to do with our time off without you (wellll maybe we would do something like golf or sleeping in but those are overrated anyway).  It was such a fun week and it will be even more fun when you have a little brother or sister to join in the craziness.

I love you to the moon and back munchkin.



Drop it like it’s hot

It’s a Saturday night in the McGee house and we’re getting ready to drop it like it’s hot.

drop it like its hot

This is how we roll, yo

Yet when I say Drop it like it’s hot I’m referring to the crib mattress.  I think we’re going to have to get low, get low, get low.

Here’s why… One bad decision in the middle of the night which involved allowing a fussy tot sleep with us has turned into 5 nights of 90+ minute bedtimes and either Denny or me sleeping on the floor (yet again).

I can hear you right now, “Shut the door,” “Let her cry it out,” “She’ll be fine.”  BUT and this is a big but (I don’t like big buts and I cannot lie), we can’t let Makenzie cry it out… because our little Rolly Pollie rockstar can now jump out of the crib.  It happened Thursday night and it was terrifying for all of us.  Luckily she was fine, but now we’ve turned into little pawns.  If we let her keep crying she could try to jump out again and possibly get hurt.  So we spend at least 30 minutes each night sleeping on her floor until she falls asleep and then we army crawl out of her room.

Essentially our 21-month old just yelled out Checkmate!

Well played Makenzie, well played.

Once again we’re back at a parenting crossroads.  Unexpected sleeping issue Avenue intersects with Who the hell even allowed us to be parents Street and our car has stalled out.  So now what?

Do we continue into this trend of endless bedtimes?  Do we keep sleeping on her floor until she is into her mid-20’s?  Do we opt for the toddler bed?   Do we drop the crib mattress like it’s hot to the floor?  Or do we just laugh about it and wait it out a few more nights?  One might think that we would figure this out since we’ve been here countless times but we’re still stumped.

But on a good note, we have a decent amount of time to ponder this while laying on the floor next to our girl’s crib.  If you know any shortcuts to get back to the Quick Bedtime Boulevard let us know.  In the meantime we’ll be spending our nights relaxing under the stars in Makenzie’s room.


My view from the floor… look closely and you’ll see her crib rails.


And call me crazy but part of me kind of likes knowing that she wants me there while she heads to dreamland.  I’m pretty sure I’ll miss this someday when she is in her teens, her sleeping patterns are regular and she begs me to leave her room.

Sweet dreams Makenzie Ruth, I love you and your stubborn little sleeping habits to the moon and back.






Summertime & the little things

Life is undoubtedly about the little things.   And the little things have been our focus since the summer arrived.  We’ve been busy enjoying the long days and hopefully you’ve been doing the same.


Here are some of our favorite summer Little Things:

  • The Bubble machine aka the BEST $11 we’ve ever spent at Target (and we’ve spent a lot of $11’s at Target).  If you have anyone in your world under the age of 5, the bubble machine is a must!

Chasing bubbles (notice the high level of concentration with her tongue out)!



  • Two new semi-successful yet easy dinner recipes.  Aw yeah!!!!  Busy Moms, take note.

#1 – Mini Chicken pot pies – Relatively easy and very delicious.  This makes plenty for 2 nights.

mini chicken pot pies#2 – Baked Ravioli – Easy AND Cheesy!  It can be prepped in under 12 minutes the night before.. put in the oven at 5:15pm and you’ll be slipping into elastic waited-pants by 6.

easy ravioli bake

  • A Jamberry manicure. This is a fun and inexpensive way to pamper yourself and it can easily be done during naptime.  It takes about 20-30 minutes to apply, and it lasts up to 2 weeks without chipping.  Check it out here

  • Ice cream.  Denny and I have always loved a sweet treat after dinner but it’s even more fun sharing it with Kenzie.

Mint ting-a-ling! Yummmmmm

  • Black-out drapes. Makenzie seems to think that if the sun has come out to play, then she should get to play too, which means she’s been sleeping less than ever.  But we’re the parents for a reason so we tricked the trickster and bought some black-out drapes.  It was the best $15 Big Lots purchase in a looong time and Kenz has been back to her regular sleep schedule.  Sweet dreams baby girl, Mom’s got some dvr-watching to do!


  • And lots of outside time!  We’ve been trying to soak up the warm temperatures as much as we can.  Kenzie has conquered the slide, her trike (kind of) and the swimming pool.  Thanks to her life vest she swims completely on her own and is even brave enough to jump off the edge into the pool (eek – this still terrifies me).  Hopefully I’ll eventually get some pictures of our little swimmer girl in action.

Pool time!



Kenzie trike

Tour de Signal 2014. She’s been bulking up on performance-enhancing products to include juice, bananas and ice cream.


Checking out the ducks with cousin Ryan.

And speaking of little things we’ve only scratched the surface.  There’s a new blog design on the horizon (arriving very soon, yay!), some home projects and a few more little things up our sleeves.  Stay tuned, it’s going to be a fun summer!


Follow Mommy McBlog summer fun

on Instagram and Facebook.

Eighteen Months!

Oh my gosh, our girl is 18 months!   Makenzie Ruth is growing up so fast!

If you don’t believe me, look how big she looks in her infant bouncy seat that she found in her closet.


Yikes!  Where did newborn Kenzie go?!?

Denny and I have no clue how she turned into a toddler but we’re loving it.  She occasionally tries to take over the household (don’t all toddlers?) but overall Makenzie has the cutest little personality and keeps our world full of fun!

We had a pretty good 18-month check-up this week (minus the meltdown for her shots but can you blame her?).  Kenzie weighs 26 lbs. 9 oz., and is 32.5 inches tall – 70th percentile for both height & weight.


She didn’t love the doctor’s office and this picture was the best we could get.

Here are some of the other updates…

::  Makenzie’s Favorite Things  ::

  • Playing hide & seek – She runs from room to room hiding behind curtains, under chairs and in every little spot she finds.   Usually her giggles give away her hiding spot but if we don’t find her right away she’ll yell, “Hello??”
  • Taking selfies and playing with our cell phones and the iPad


  • Checking out the neighborhood and greeting visitors
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The BEST part of my day every day!

  • Playing at Rolly Pollies (perhaps we love it more, but either way we all have fun at baby gym class)

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  • Morning roll call – The first thing she does every morning is point and say “Mama, Dada, Sissy” (referring to Lex)
  • Giving Sissy treats and then following her around the house to make sure she eats all of them
  • Wearing my sweater from the 80’s!

A little fashionista!

  • Choo choos – The girl is obsessed with trains and runs to see them out the window every time she hears the whistle
  • Dancing – Kenzie really likes the chicken dance and does a great job flapping her little wings


  • Talking – Her vocabulary is growing each day.  Some of her favorite words include: “Hiii”, “Bye bye”, “shoes”, “coak” aka coat, “yay down” aka lay down, “Momo” aka Elmo, “duckie”, “moo”, “spoon”, “more”, “thank you”, “pease” aka please, “bubbles”, and lots of others
  • Speaking of bubbles, Makenzie is obsessed with them, both outside and in the tub


  • Unloading the dishwasher one utensil at a time
  • Waiting for Dada at the airport


  • Being outside ALL the time


  • Hanging out with all the big kids in the neighborhood!   They are all really sweet to Kenz and she loves being with them and watching them play

Enjoying a visit from Abbi & Molly

::  Makenzie’s Least Favorite Things  ::

  • Not being outside
  • Brushing her teeth (excuse the screams, neighbors)
  • Bathtime without bubbles
  • And getting in the car seat because it means we’re not outside

We count our lucky stars every single day!   It’s been 18 fun months with Makenzie Ruth and we can’t wait to see her continue to grow.


Sweet Dreams!


18 months and counting!  

Watch our monkey grow on Facebook.

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Lucky Charms and an awesome Friday

::  Today was very blog-worthy.

It was nothing momentous but everything wonderful about being a Mom.  ::

Long before Makenzie, long before Denny and long before I knew much about anything, I knew I wanted to be a Mom.  In fact I spent my entire life dreaming about it and practicing my Mom skills with every Cabbage Patch Kid in Trumbull County, Ohio.  In my dreams I envisioned rocking and singing lullabies, chatting and giggling in the car, exploring and visiting fun places, and living every moment in bliss.

Then I became a mom, and the bliss lasted about half a day.  To be precise it lasted 5 hours until I tried to breastfeed and I realized this whole Mom thing was wayyyy harder then I envisioned in my dreams.  Cue reality.

I think I’m getting better each day, but balancing being a mom, wife, employee, sister, friend, housekeeper, chef, birthday gift getter,  bill payer, thank you note writer, blogger, and everything else is not an easy feat.

But today was different.  Today I took a vacation day (thankfully I have an incredibly supportive workplace that allows this).  And today I threw responsibility out the window.  Today I woke up and cuddled with Makenzie.  Today I went outside at 7:50 am simply because Kenzie wanted to.  Today I did a whole bunch of fun things just because they’re fun.  Today was a great, incredibly awesome, memorable, very fun day.

Makenzie and I had a blast.  We ate Lucky Charms.  We waved at neighborhood puppies.  We cruised around in the Cozy Coupe.  We left the dishes in the sink (well at least until nap time).  We walked around Target… yes, we ditched the cart and we both walked because Kenzie wanted to.  We jumped on the trampoline at Rolly Pollies.  We sang songs in the car.  We ignored the time.  We ate at McDonald’s and fed each other french fries.  We (well I) didn’t beat myself up for forgetting a bib.  We came home and left our shoes by the door.  We read books.  We had a picnic.  We had one of the best days I can remember in a long time.

We didn’t do much, but at the same time we did everything that matters.

Today life was good and simple and fun.  In fact it was better than the dreams I envisioned because it actually happened.  And I’m not sure Makenzie will remember this day but I’ll never forget it.

And Kenzie girl, if you read this someday, thank you for the fun today.  I hope you know just how much I love being your mom.  It rocks!  Let’s do this again soon.  xoxo, Mom



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If you weren’t so cute

Dear Kenzie,

Hey girl, it’s me Mom.  I thought I’d just send you a quick little note because it’s been such a crazy few weeks and I’m stil grappling with how quickly time passes!  It seems like we merely blinked and you transformed from a cuddly infant to a very independent little 17-month-old toddler.  You have countless energy and tons of personality!  In fact you have so much to discover we have to change your diapers standing up while you simultaneously play with your dolls, dial people on my phone and remove every single wipe from the container.  Needless to say you keep us hopping!


“Mom I’m way too busy for a picture!”

But guess what?  And as much as you make our lives busy, busy, busy, your button nose, your pudgy tummy, your cute bum, your teeny tiny fingers, and your sweet little personality make us incredibly thankful to be your parents.

If you weren’t so cute…

I’d probably get annoyed when you throw your Cheerios.  I’d probably lose my patience when you toss your sippy cups and I’d probably get frustrated because you always seem to finish eating your dinner right about the time I sit down to eat mine.

If you weren’t so cute…

I wouldn’t sprint to my car at the end of the workday and speed all the way to pick you up.  I wouldn’t cry on the nights that I don’t get to see you before you head to dreamland, and I wouldn’t spend hours stroking your hair while you sleep.

If you weren’t so cute…

I wouldn’t be able to climb out of bed in the middle of the night when you have a bad dream.  I wouldn’t be able to find the energy to rock you back to sleep, and I wouldn’t agree to letting you sleep in our bed on more occasions than I like to admit (especially because we said we’d never be “those parents”).  Oops.

If you weren’t so cute…

The constant messes would get old, the sometimes short naps would be frustrating, and the not enough time-itis would be way more acute .

But at the end of the day, your cuteness and your sweetness prevail over everything else.

Makenzie if you weren’t so cute our hearts would not be SO incredibly full of love for you.  Our world would not be SO full of joy.  And our lives would not be completely and endlessly overflowing with love and appreciation for our adorable little girl (even if we still can’t figure out just how you became so darn adorable).

If you weren’t in our world I honestly can’t imagine what we would be doing (aside from a little extra sleep).  So chalk one up for cuteness!   They say beauty is only skin deep, but in your case, the cuteness goes deep down into every part of tiny little you!

I love you to the moon and back Kenzie girl!




If you think Kenzie is cute, then join the fun on Facebook. 

It’s practically the Kenzie is Cute Club and we’re now accepting members. 

Mommy McBlog


15 Months!

Mornings are one of my favorite times of the day with Makenzie!  I love love LOVE walking into her room when she’s first waking up.  Sometimes she’s babbling as if to tell us all about her dreams… sometimes she’s still snuggled under her blanket while grinning behind her binky… and sometimes she’s being silly and running from one side of her crib to the other while giggling.

This past Saturday morning I walked into the room of a cutie pie 15-month old.  Fifteen months!!  HOW is that possible?!?

15 months

Here’s what she’s been up to:

::  Talking, talking and more talking  ::

It’s so fun to hear Makenzie’s cute little voice.  Her favorites are Mama, Daddy, Ducky, Hiiii, Moo (when we look at her farm books), Ho Ho (for Santa), Sissy (referring to Lexi kitty) and lots of others.

::  Being the mayor of Rolly Pollies  ::

Makenzie is about halfway done with her session as a bumblebee at the local kid’s gym, and she’s loving it.  She was once shy but those days are long gone!  She has no fear climbing in the bounce house, the obstacle course or the tumble track.

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Running away with part of the obstacle course… perhaps we still need to work on following instructions.

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Foam pit fun!

::  Lots of kisses  ::

Kenzie has figured out how to kiss (kind of).  She loves to show affection with a her cute, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses.  They’re awesome!!

::  1st Haircut  ::

Makenzie was unfortunately mistaken for Carol Brady, so we decided we had to take action against the baby mullet.



She did really well and she left the salon cuter than ever!  Also now that her mullet is gone, we’ve stopped receiving Nascar mailers.  It’s a win/win.

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“A little more in the back, please Miss Jessica”

::  Listening to Music  ::

Kenzie loves dance parties!  And it’s really fun to see her develop an interest in music.  Her favorite things to watch on the iPad are YouTube videos of Sofia Grace and Rosie, and songs by Jimmy Fallon and the Roots (which makes her officially cooler than we are)!

::  Helping around the house!  ::

Makenzie really likes to be helpful.  She knows that empty sippy cups go in the sink, and she knows that paper and tissues go in the trash.  She has also been helpful by putting shoes in the front closet.   I couldn’t be more thrilled that 2/3 of our household (without naming names) now puts their shoes away!!

Kenz also loves checking out the fridge.  She will take our hand and pull us to the fridge just so she can open all the drawers and check out lunch options.

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“Snack time Mom!”


We go for her 15-month check-up at the end of the month.  We’ll let you know how our little munchkin compares to the rest of the 15 months olds in the world.  My guess is that she’ll be in the one hundredth percentile of cuteness.  Stay tuned…


Be in the top one percentile of coolness

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