You Asked For It

This week = major writer’s block.
So I asked each of you, my awesome blog readers, what to write about and you actually answered (I know, I’m shocked too)!   Requested topics ranged from Kenzie’s stance on US/Russia relations to poop stories.  It was too hard to pick just one topic so I figured I touch on all of them.

Welcome to the 1st ever Mommy McBlog

you asked for it mommy mcblog


(Almost more exciting than a trip to the dentist)
Request #1 – Melissa requested flashback stories about some of the random bad luck events of my life.
melissa fb pic

Request #1 came from Melissa from Ohio – Awesome sister, Mom to 2 cutie pie boys and frequent user of hashtags! #SheRocks

Good question Melissa.  I’ve had my share of random bad luck adventures, but since I already embarrassed myself on last weeks’ post, I’ll keep this short.
Some of my most memorable stories include…
  • Getting a severe case of the chicken pox in high school after claiming that I was immune.  Clearly my Dr’s stellar immunity diagnosis was wrong but I survived the embarrassing time in my life thanks to the brilliant Aveeno anti-itch creams!  Now if only there was an anti-humiliation cream…
  • Being stuck in an elevator on the last day of a Pittsburgh internship.  My boss thought I was taking a long lunch and didn’t realize I was missing, but help eventually arrived and I was set free in about 30 minutes.  Thanks to cell phones, Denny kept me company, and in honor of the ordeal he called a radio station later that day and requested the song Love in an elevator.  So thoughtful!
  • And speaking of random internship stories, I got stuck in midtown Manhattan during the massive NE blackout.  After a brisk 8 mile walk over the Brooklyn Bridge I found out that my apartment building was on lock down so I enjoyed a great night sleep in a car.


Request #2 – Lori requested a post about how my sanity would be lost without my mom girlfriends.

Request #2 came from Lori from Buffalo.  She once dressed as the White House Easter Bunny.  Since retiring her fluffy tail, she spends her days being an awesome mom and friend.  She also did a stand-up comedy skit while in her final trimester.  #Sherockstoo

Request #2 came from Lori from Buffalo. She once dressed as the White House Easter Bunny. Since retiring her fluffy tail, she spends her days being an awesome mom and friend. She also did a stand-up comedy skit while in her final trimester. #SheRocksToo

What can I say?  Lori is totally correct.  Without mom friends, my sanity would be more lost than it already is.  Fellow mom friends are THE best things since Spanx, girl scout cookies and the Cartwheel app combined (whoa!).
There are few other people in this world who don’t judge when your infant comes to lunch and screams the whole time (not that I know this)… who don’t judge when you admit that your kid ate cat food, yet again… and who don’t judge when you’re still wearing maternity pants a year after your baby was born…
For that reason, I say Cheers to mom friends (in particular, Cheers to Lori, one of the best Moms and one of the best friends out there!)
And last (but not least)
Request #3 – Seth requested to know about Kenzie’s stance on US/Russian relations in view of the current military escalation in Ukraine.  Or he requested another poop story.  Either or.

Request #3 came from Seth from Virgina.  According to Facebook Seth almost bought tickets for the Goo Goo Dolls, Daughtry, and the Plain White Tees, but then realized he would have to go to watch the Goo Goo Dolls, Daughtry, and the Plain White Tees.

Tough question Seth, but I’m glad to hit on both hard-hitting topics.

According to Makenzie, she recognizes that this situation could have vast global implications, especially for those countries reliant on Russian oil and natural gas.  She feels that Obama should leave the door open for diplomacy to resolve the situation, but believes Russia will face increasing isolation and deeper sanctions if it continues to pursue its current course.  But lastly and most importantly Makenzie strongly urges Obama and Putin to put aside their differences by drinking juice and watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Hot dog, hot dog, the problem’s solved!

And when it comes to poop stories, there are plenty to share but most recently was the brown surprise Makenzie made during bath time.  Talk about vast global implications!  She’s at risk for isolation if she continues down this road of unexpected gas ruptures in the tub, but I foresee a treaty on the horizon (ideally by her later toddler years).  And to quote my favorite sister and hashtag user regarding this situation… #BabyRuthMadeABabyRuth

Talk about #Gross


And on that note, Thanks for visiting the first ever You Asked For It post.  There might just be more to come in the future!



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Then join the Mommy McBlog fun on Facebook!

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