Tricks and Treats

Happy Halloween (or Halloween Eve depending when you read this)!

We’ve had some a trick and some treats in our house lately.  The worst trick we discovered is that peanut butter and Makenzie don’t get along.  I haven’t had a chance to fill many of you in on what happened so here it is.

As many of you know Denny and I love peanut butter.  We love pb & j’s.  We love peanut butter cups and peanut butter patties.  We love buckeyes.  We love peanut butter ice cream.  The list goes on and on and on (ask my thighs)…

Hello love!

Naturally when Makenzie turned 1 we were excited that we could introduce her to one of the Wonders of the Pantry, and we toasted up some delicious peanut butter toast for our little peanut.

The good news is that Kenzie loved it.  But the bad news is that within minutes she was bright red all over, and her cheeks, chest and arms were covered in hives.    It was scary but luckily her breathing wasn’t affected.  After some Benadryl, a bath and a few hours she was fine.   And within 48 hours we got to enjoy some serious family time during a long morning spent at the allergist with some extensive testing.  Kenzie did great, but we confirmed our concern that she highly allergic to peanuts.

So what this means is no peanuts (obviously).  She can have tree nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios, etc) but definitely no peanut butter, Reese’s, buckeyes, etc.   And it’s an unpredictable allergy.  She could have peanuts 100 more times and only need Benadryl, or she could have peanuts 1 more time and have a severe reaction.  Scary stuff.  Not surprisingly I cried when we found out, but the more we thought about it, the less scary it seemed.  We realized how lucky we are to have a happy healthy baby.  And we realized how lucky we were to catch it early.   Now we have everything we need (extra Benadryl and some epi pens) should a more serious reaction ever occur.

Now onto the treats…

Despite the poking & prodding, it’s been a fun month.  Our little pistachio (formerly known as our little peanut) is all geared up for her 2nd Halloween!  It doesn’t seem possible that it’s been a whole year since Makenzie was an 8-lb Where’s Waldo.  This year she’ll be buzzing around the block as a little bumble bee (stay tuned for pictures).

Makenzie in 2012, a 27-day-old Where’s Waldo

And things are so different this year.  Last year at this time Makenzie was eating for 50 minutes every 2 hours so the thought of dragging our sleep-deprived selves further than 10 yards away from the couch seemed terrifying.   We bought her pumpkin at a gas station and we didn’t even leave the house to trick or treat.

What a difference one year makes…  This year Denny and I brought Makenzie to the real pumpkin patch and she even had fun carving up her jack-o-lantern.  Check it out!

Pumpkin patch fun!

Enjoying the sunshine

Fearless pumpkin in the corn maze!

Carving time in her awesome babe skinny jeans 🙂

So there you have it!

This month is full of treats and an unexpected trick, but if you don’t mind substituting some Oreos for Reese’s you’ll be able to get by while still enjoying the sweet stuff of life.

Wishing you a very fun (and dry) Halloween!


At least Makenzie is not allergic to blogging!  I hope you’re not either. 

Grab your epi pen and follow the fun on Facebook!

Mommy McBlog


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