Life Lately

Life has been good lately.  Much like every other family in the world we’ve been dealing with some challenges, but our kids keep life really happy for us.  So tonight I’ll focus on them… their smiles, their carefree outlook on life and their endless love.  They make this world a fun place.


Kenz selfie

Kenz is one funny little girl!  Just this week she learned to lock herself in the bathroom… apparently it’s way more fun that sitting on the potty.  She also realized that Denny’s real name is Denny and she started to call him that instead of Daddy.  Yikes, she might make me gray before I’m 35.  But she’s also so sweet!  She loves giving hugs and constantly says, “Love you mommy,” “Miss you Daddy.”   It’s pure melt-your-heart material!

This smile!

Speaking of melt your heart, Mitchell is such a little blue-eyed sweetie.  He is more alert everyday and loves to watch his big sister.  He is full of big grins and giggles!  We can’t get enough of him.


Sibling love aka we bribed Kenzie with an ice cream sandwich to hug her brother.


Mak & Mitch are quite the team.  They don’t even have the slightest clue yet how important they will be to each other in life.  It is going to be fun to watch them learn the awesomeness of a sibling!

This is the final full week of my maternity leave so here’s to a fun, relaxing 7 days with my favorite little loves.



Never Eat Alone

Hello Irony,

Nice to see you.

A few weeks before maternity leave I made a one-click Amazon order for the book Never Eat Alone.  What was I thinking?  Not only have I not made it past the first page, but I’ve also never disagreed more with a book title in my life.  Never Eat Alone… are you kidding me?!?  I want nothing more than to eat alone.  Quietly.  Without food to cut up.  Without a newborn to bounce up and down.  And without epic negotiations that involve rounds of ‘one more bite’ in return for godforsaken Frozen fruit snacks (thank you Disney).

Is this what Keith Ferrazzi was referring to?

In fact Eating Alone sounds so amazing that on my first day back to work I might lock myself in the conference room, dim the lights, sit quietly and slowly savor my very own sandwich.  The sandwich would be mine, all mine!  Not leftover from Kenz and not in the shape of Elmo.

But then I think about the two little people in our lives and all the ways they make our mealtimes crazy… Kenzie’s cute lunchtime chatter, Mitchell’s dinnertime coos and their cute jammie breakfast attire.  And with just two weeks left before I go back to work I better embrace the craze these two munchkins create.  I’m pretty sure that before I know it I’ll be spending countless days eating alone at my desk while I blast out e-mails just so I can leave on time and get back to my meal crashers.

So until then, bring on the craze kiddos… the spills, the chatter, the whines and even the chewy sugar-covered Olaf treats.  This mom is really going to miss these days of never eating alone.



PS  If anyone has cliff notes for the book, please pass them along to me.


Two months!

Hey world,

What’s up?  Littlest M here aka Mitch Man.  Now that I’m two months old I figured it’s time I pull my weight around here and blog.  My sister aka Makenzie the Overachiever posted her first post at only 10 days old – check it out – so I sacrificed my fifth nap of the day to make this happen.

Can you believe I’m two months old!?  Me neither.  So far I’m liking this thing called life.

This month has been busy.  I’ve been eating a lot.  I like my bottles in the morning, afternoon, evening and all during the middle of the night.  Mom always tells me that it’s a good thing I’m so cute because I like to wake her up often.  But can you blame me?  I’m just a guy trying to bulk up so I can impress my buddies at Rollie Pollies.

Which way to the gym?


I’ve been out and about exploring the world.  Mom keeps Kenz and I really busy checking out lots of fun places.  Then we get home and take long naps.

The Science Museum was really cool and I even got to ride around in the front pack! Then I settled in to watch some ESPN and the next thing I knew I was sleeping. Oops.

I just can’t keep my eyes open some days.

Mom and Dad took me out to see the neighborhood this month too! Seems like a cool place to call home. But what’s up with this powder blue bear suit?!? What will the ladies think?

And my newest trick is that I can smile and giggle.  You should see all the crazy things my parents do to make me giggle.  They are so embarrassing!

Mom and Dad were being crazy and I couldn’t stop giggling. Good thing I’m still in diapers.

 My big sis, Kenzie has been busy this month too.  She finally figured out how to ride her trike.  How cool is she?!?

She told me that she’ll give me a ride to the toy store later this week when Mom and Dad are sleeping.  She’s the coolest.

See you next month!

MM (aka Mitch Man


Trading in my Rookie status

I think I’m ready to trade in my Rookie Mom status.  I’m no pro but I’m nine weeks into my second maternity leave and I’ve learned a few things along the way…

When it comes to kids, 99% of tears can be solved by one of the following: a binky, a bottle, a swaddle, a clean diaper or an episode of weird Disney collector on YouTube.

Cat food is non-toxic and therefore is not harmful when digested by children (thank you Poison control center).

The world doesn’t judge you if your baby cries in public.  In fact, most people don’t even notice.

Kids look to their parents to determine their mood.  You’re cranky, they’re cranky.  You’re happy, they’re happy.  You’re calm, they’re calm.

Diapers leak, bottles leak and boobs leak… don’t leave home without a spare onesie, burp cloth or scarf.

And when it comes to moms, 99% of tears can be solved by one of the following: a glass of wine, a nap, a few minutes of HGTV or a hug from a little set of arms.


Armed with these lessons, an overflowing diaper bag and a little bit of momfidence, my babies and I have been taking full advantage of my time off work to live it up!

Here’s what we’ve been doing over the past two months:

::  Making it out the door.  Some days this is a victory in itself.  ::

“Smile kids! We are all wearing pants, we are not covered in poop and we are out of the house before 11 am.”


::  Enjoying play dates  ::

It has been SO wonderful to spend time with many of my fellow mom friends who I often only see on Facebook.  We’ve been hosting and attending lots of play dates and it turns out that play dates are just as much fun for the moms as they are for the kids.

Kenz and one of her favorite buddies.


::  Bouncing around town  ::

So far we’ve been to the science museum, Rollie Pollies, Explore & More, story time at the library and this cool bounce house place.  Mitchell sleeps through most of our outings but Makenzie is having a blast.

This girl has no fear


Being worldly and checking out the Dutch windmills at Explore and More. Following this we continued our European education by enjoying some French fries from McDonald’s. Oui Oui!


::  Going for walks  ::

Now that Elsa broke the Frozen spell on Lancaster we’ve been enjoying a few trips around the neighborhood.  We can’t get enough of the fresh air and the extra hour of daylight.

Kenz carrying her baby like Mommy.


::  Roadtrippin  ::

Call us crazy but we decided we needed a trip to Ohio to see some of our favorite people.  Luckily we have two good little travelers.

Tired dolly


Kenz and her future boyfriend Keene.


Breakfast with Nana and Papa

::  Soaking in the smiles  ::

Usually we plan a day or two each week to just hang out in the house and have fun.  It’s a good place to be when you get to see grins like this all day.

Littlest M showing off his grins.

I’m still years away from Mom Pro status but each day I learn a few more lessons about how to be a mom of two kiddos.  My next lesson is going to be how I’ll leave my little M’s to head back to work. I work with awesome people and we have a good support system so we will just have to take it one day at a time (and plan on lots of take out).  Until then we’ll soak up our days together and enjoy a few more weeks of road trips, play dates and time in the slow lane.



99 Problems but a Mitch ain’t one

If you’re having baby problems I feel bad for you friends, I got 99 problems but a Mitch ain’t one.

Just kidding. I do not have 99 problems but my hidden rapstar couldn’t resist a little Jay-Z action in this blog post.   Snazzy, right?

On a serious note, little M is such a good baby and he is ONE MONTH old!

It’s hard to believe that Denny and I have been a family of four for a whopping six weeks now!  It can sometimes be chaotic but these two make life really fun.


Besties.  How did we get so lucky?!?


I’m hoping to keep up with Mitchell’s month by month posts like I did for Makenzie so here goes:

 ::  Mitchell Dennis – One Month Old  ::

 Check out this little guy!


One month on February 15th

He rocked his one month check-up!  Weighing in at a whopping ten pounds… Mitch “Adorable legs and awesome hair” McGee!


Watch out ladies, here I come!

 His personality is very sweet and mellow.  He sleeps so much that one of our friends call him a Buy now, pay later baby because we may pay for his laid back personality someday in his teenage years when we have to drag him out of bed.

He has been smiling and making adorable cooing noises.  He often makes noises that sound like a dolphin which has earned him the nickname Dan Marino.

So far doesn’t seem to mind the chaos around him that Big Sis creates.  We often remind Makenzie to be gentle but he sleeps through her frequent hugs, kisses and snuggles that she gives him.  We can’t wait to see their relationship develop as they grow.


Little M is doing great at night and sometimes sleeps 6-7 hours.  As much as I can’t wait for a solid night of sleep I’m enjoying the quiet time with him in the wee hours of the morning.

As for daytime, our little guy has been hosting play dates and venturing out and about around town but he usually sleeps right through it all.  He is now booking appointments for March for those interested with hanging out with him.  You can call his mom/secretary for available time slots.


Dressing him in outfits that have ears now because we know he’ll probably put a stop to it by high school.


He melts my heart.



 ::  Makenzie Ruth – 28 months old  ::

 Since I’m working on Mitchell’s update here are a few updates about Big Sis Kenz.

She’s officially Frozen obsessed!  She loves everything about the movie and carries her Anna and Elsa figurines with her everywhere she goes.  She even met Anna and Elsa a few weeks ago.  Awesome!


She cracks us up with her silly personality all the time!  She likes to play pretend shopping and often goes to Target and Tim Hortons with her purse and babies.


Purse and sunglasses needed during her shopping trip in the playroom.

Makenzie has turned the tables and now puts us to bed.  After we read her nightly book she goes to Mitchell’s room, kisses him and shuts his door.  Then she comes to our room.  Denny and I both have to be under blankets before she tells us good night and shuts our door.  Her final stop is her room.  She shuts her door and the climbs into bed.  If she has a toy cell phone, she occasionally makes some calls and then finally goes to bed.  Hilarious!

She continues to be a really loving big sister.  Every morning she runs into Mitchell’s room and says, “Missed you Mitchell, love you Mitchell!”


It’s fun to tap your brother’s head.

 M&M keep life fun, crazy and full of great moments.  Stay tuned as they continue to grow!









When I started this blog one of my goals was to be real about things.  So here goes:

I’m struggling today.  I’m struggling big time.  Being a Mom is so darn hard.  There is nothing horrible happening in my life right now.  In fact I feel bad even writing this post because from an outsider my life is about as good as it gets – two healthy babies, a great husband, 12 weeks of stay-at-home-momming it – yet despite this I’m struggling today.

Last night was a long night.  Mitchell can’t get to the pantry because of the baby gates so I spent about 5 hours being his personal line chef.  He spent the whole night crying because he was hungry to then crying because he was full.  In between he would shower both of us in a spit-up bath to try to find the happy medium.  It took him the whole night to find it.  Poor little guy.  By the time I got to bed it was time to wake up and I’m yet to brush my hair or wash my face.  Our plans for the day got scrapped and instead I chugged the largest cup of coffee I could find and we shifted to survival mode.

So now I’m using the always amazing nap time break as a chance to eat chocolate and get real on the blog because I have a feeling I’m not the only mom who has struggled like this.  I have a feeling I’m not the only Mom who has felt overwhelmed, exhausted and just downright ready for a break.  And I have a feeling I’m not the only mom who feels bad feeling even feeling this way because we’re so darn lucky to even be Moms.

So when these two little ones wake up I’m hitting the Reset button on the day.  I’m going to brush my hair (thank God!), throw out the frustration, push past the tiredness, turn on Pandora (because who can resist being in a good mood when 80’s music is blasting?) and make sure that my babies have a better mom for the second half of the day than they did during the first half of the day.

Reset button

I don’t know what to tell you to avoid these struggles, but I think the days like this make the other times even better.  But if you’re struggling today hang in there.  Drink a coffee, find some chocolate, turn on some tunes, or just lock yourself in the bathroom for five minutes and breathe.  You are not alone (literally because I’m guessing your kiddos are banging on the bathroom door by now).  But truly, you are not alone in feeling this way.  Being a mom is just about the hardest job on the planet and it may not come with a manual but we all have a reset button… you might just have to look for it buried beneath your layers of burp cloths.




Valentine’s Day – Getting our craft on!

It’s Valentine’s Day, ooh la la!  Who spent the day sipping champagne and nibbling chocolate?  Me neither.  But I did spend the day with Denny and our favorite little ones.  This year was a little different from past years.  We substituted the wine for coffee, the hot stone massage for play-doh, and the surf n’ turf dinner for two for a pizza party for four.

But the holiday fun started a few weeks ago when we decided to get our Valentine craft on.  I’ve been loving this time at home with my babies and we’ve been trying to take advantage of our extra time together to be creative.  Over the past few weeks Makenzie has been enjoying painting so we try to squeeze in a few hours a week between lunch time and nap time to get messy.


Painting pal!

There’s no doubt that I still have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest, or shall I say Painterest (see my thoughts about Pinterest from my last maternity leave) BUT occasionally there is an idea simple enough even for me to do.  This week we busted out the red and pink paints and made these:


Lots of love!

 It was so fun and so simple that we made a total of three and then sent fun packages to the grandparents.  The prints probably won’t hang in the Guggenheim, but they’ll always have a special spot on my wall and in my heart.


We have a little heart breaker who will be waking up shortly for a midnight feeding.  But until then, have a happy Valentines Day from these two little Loves to your little Loves!


I heart you!



Tears to Target

Dear M & M,

The other day I cried all the way to Target.  Yep, I was a blubbering, embarrassing, snotty mess of a Mom. But it wasn’t because I stepped on the scale earlier that day for the first time post baby…  although I did that and based on the number I’m concerned there’s another baby in there.  And it wasn’t because I watched the final episode of Parenthood… although I did that too and it made me a weepy mess.   But I shed tears all the way to Target because I was leaving both of you for one of the first times.

I know it sounds silly because what spit up-covered, sleep-deprived Mom doesn’t crave the thought of roaming the aisles of Target all by herself, but I really just missed both of you.

You two have done something to me that can’t be explained.  And today, as I turn another year older, I realize how appreciative I am because you make me wiser.  Just this week you taught me that I can soothe a screaming infant while having a Play-doh picnic.  And right after that you taught me how fun it is to play Ring Around the Rosie.  And a few hours later you reminded me that 3am is a pretty amazing time of the night when you’re sharing it with the right company.  And maybe these aren’t transferable skills to be added on my resume but with each of these lessons you teach me how much a Mom can love her babies.

Completely cheesy?  Yes.  But completely and utterly true?  Absolutely.

Makenzie and Mitchell, thank you for a really great Birthday!  I love the adorable card.  I love the beautiful purple flowers picked out by my favorite little purple-loving girl.  And I love the snuggles and hugs you shared with me all day long.  But most of all, thank you for the chance to be your Mom.  I realize you didn’t necessarily decide this, but having you in my life reminds me that of all the places in the world I’d love to see and visit – the hot beaches of Aruba, the mystique-filled streets of Italy, or the quiet kid-free aisles of Target –  the best place and only place I want to be right now is with both of you.


Snuggling with my two favorite little ones after their afternoon naps.

I Love you both like crazy,

Your (slightly old and kind of sappy) Mom


PS  For those of you wondering I made it to Target and even managed to pull it together enough to buy some more yoga pants and $50 worth of other stuff I didn’t need.  Gotta love Target!

Mitchell Dennis – All about the name

This little guy is three weeks old today!


Little M!   (Infant photo sneak peek courtesy of Jessica Popovich Photography)

 It is unbelievable how fast it is going.  With Makenzie’s first few weeks of life we were so nervous, so exhausted and so worried about every little thing that we barely had time to enjoy our snugly newborn.  But this time is completely different.  I feel overwhelmed with happiness every single day.  Some days are challenging but they are all very happy.  Makenzie even notices and will often look at me and say, “Mommy, happy!”  It melts my heart that she can acknowledge the level of gratitude Denny and I feel.



But back to the name…  It took us a long time to commit to the name and a lot of people asked about how we decided on Mitchell so here is the background.

Ultimately we wanted an Irish name that started with M.  We wanted a name that had a solid nickname (if it was a long name), and we wanted a name that was classic yet strong.

On our way to Pittsburgh Thanksgiving we were going through Irish names and Mitchell came up.  Denny loved it immediately.  He kept saying that Mitch McGee would be an awesome name for a pitcher or for a golfer.  I didn’t initially love the name as much as he did, but I liked it enough to add it to the possible list.

Fast forward about 7 weeks to delivery day.  We narrowed the list to 6 names:  Mitchell, Nolan, Cameron, Madden, Dennis Jr (DJ) and Brennan.  All are great names but Denny kept going back to Mitchell.  The more we talked about it the more the name grew on me.  Maybe it was because of Denny’s love for it, or maybe it was because Mitch is a classic, yet not overused name but I started to see our family with a little guy named Mitch.

During our 17 hours in labor and delivery we started to see all sorts of little signs that our son would be Mitch McGee.  Denny checked the OU baseball team roster and the person with his baseball number, #33, is a Mitch.  Our wonderful OB resident told us that her Dad’s name is Mitch.  And also, Mitchell is a form of Michael, so by using the name it is extra special given my awesome Uncle Mike in Florida.

At 11:06 Mitch (still nameless at the time) finally arrived and we were in love!  Between his handsome wavy hair, those amazing dark blue eyes, and the excitement I saw on Denny’s face when he talked to our son, I just knew he had to be Mitchell.  When Makenzie arrived to meet her little brother we had a family meeting (although both kids were pretty clueless of what was happening) and the decision was made.   Our son would be Mitchell Dennis McGee!

As for the middle name, there was no doubt it would be Dennis.  It’s not too often that a girl marries someone with the same first name as her dad, but since I was that girl it meant that we had two amazing men to name our son after.


Mitchell Dennis with Papa (Dennis)


Mitchell Dennis with Dad (Denny)

Aside from the Name Game… you know, the Mitch Mitch Bo (fill in the blanks) game – we love the name.  We’re not sure where our son will go in life but we feel pretty confident that Mitch McGee will be a good name to take him on whatever path he chooses.

Mitchell’s Birth Story – Our little guy’s journey into the world

On Mother’s Day weekend 2014 we found out we were pregnant again!  Fast forward about 39 weeks and we were anxious to meet our sweet baby boy.

For anyone who has ever been fortunate enough to experience a baby’s arrival into the world, you know exactly the emotions evoked during the experience.  It is so difficult to capture these emotions into words, but I’ll try my best.  Here is Mitchell’s Birth Story…

::  Thursday January 15, 2015, Four-ish AM  ::

It was the morning of our baby boy’s induction.   Aside from the hum of the baby monitor and Denny’s steady breathing next to me, the world was dark and asleep yet I was wide awake trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we might meet our son in a few short hours.  Based on our baby check-up a few days prior, our wonderful OBGYN, Dr. Susan, felt that he was in a great spot to be induced, and we figured we would go for it so that my parents could be in town to watch Makenzie and also meet our baby boy.

::  Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end  ::

I couldn’t sleep so I tried to just savor the last few hours of pregnancy.  Denny and I feel fairly certain our family will be complete with 2 kiddos so I tried to remember every single movement and feeling involved with carrying a baby.  It was a bittersweet morning for me trying to figure out how ten years with Denny went so fast.  It seemed like we spent forever planning our Somedays of a house and babies, and now suddenly, our Somedays were happening in a blink.

::  Six o’ seven AM  ::

 Makenzie must have sensed the excitement of the day because she woke up bright and early!  I was really glad because it gave me a few final minutes to snuggle with my first-born baby.  She was thrilled to be spending the day with Nana and Papa and barely noticed as Denny and I headed off to the hospital.


Arriving at the hospital baby unit! I wish I could have bottled up the excitement I felt as we walked down the corridor.

::  Ten thirty-two AM  ::

We were three and a half hours into being induced and the waiting game was in full force.  I was showing enough progress that the nurses even broke my water.  I was officially able to relax knowing that we would not be sent home to wait any longer.  Our baby was going to be in our arms shortly!

Mitchells arrival hospital picture

The baby bed was ready and waiting!

 ::  The Name Game and a dinnertime baby  ::

In order to pass the time we went back and forth on two topics – his name and his estimated arrival time.  We brought the baby name book and started asking the nurses their feedback too.  Ironically the wonderful OB resident who was taking care of us told us that her Dad’s name was Mitchell.  That was one of the first signs that we would later decide on Mitchell as a name (more on that later).

As for the estimated arrival time, it was game on.  Everyone had a guess. I was guessing about 8pm (but hoping it would be sooner).  Denny guessed for a dinnertime baby and our nurses thought it was feasible to deliver this baby by 7 pm when their shifts ended.

 ::  Epidural, party of one  ::

By noon, I was uncomfortable enough to go for the epidural.  The contractions were still not consistent and I was not showing tremendous progress, but the nursing team felt an epidural might speed up the process so I went for it.  We were cautiously optimistic thinking this would be the trick to get this little guy moving.

 ::  Five frustrating hours  ::

Shortly after the epidural, the birth journey took a frustrating turn.  We spent five long hours making no progress.  Our little guy seemed to be totally content where he was and I started to get anxious as to what would happen next.  This was merely a foreshadowing of what was to come, but luckily my mom was at the hospital by then and told us all about Makenzie’s morning, which lightened up the mood.

 ::  “He’ll be here in an hour”  ::

By six o’clock, Dr Susan had arrived to check on us.  We finally got past the five-hour standstill and the nurse told Dr. Susan that our little guy could be here within an hour.  We were feeling good again and we were confident that we were close to holding our little guy.

The hour came and went but shortly after, the nurse came in and said it was worthwhile to try pushing.  We tried and we tried yet we failed.  So frustrating.  Our sweet baby boy was sunny side up and there was no way he would be arriving in his current position.

::  New Game Plan  ::

Given Mitchell’s position, the decision was to wait it out a few more hours and see if he flipped over.  We were back to the waiting game.  This was one of the toughest times of the day.  My epidural dwindled away.  I was nauseous, and I was on the brink of tears, BUT we knew that the only important thing was that our little guy was still healthy and we would eventually meet him.

::  Take Two  ::

It was now nine thirty at night.  Despite the obvious signs leading to a C-section, Denny and I were both oblivious to this outcome.  We were fourteen hours into labor and it was time to try pushing yet again.  We were full of hope that this was it, but we were wrong.  After another grueling attempt at getting our little guy to arrive, Dr. Susan came in and delivered the news.

::  This was NOT the plan  ::

Our only option at that point was a C-section.  Mitchell was in a spot that could potentially be harmful to both of us if something didn’t change, so we had to get him out in the next few hours.  I was crushed.  This was NOT the plan.  A million thoughts went through my head… What if something is wrong with the little guy?  What if they don’t hurry?  How did this happen?  Why couldn’t I make this work?  How am I going to take care of Makenzie while dealing with surgery recovery? 

I was way too emotional to get it together and call anyone but Denny quickly switched to Rockstar Husband mode.  He told my families the updates, changed into scrubs and gave a valiant effort at trying to keep his basket case of a wife from having a massive meltdown.

::  It’s a Boy!!  ::

The next hour was a blur.  I remember waiting in tremendous pain for what felt like forever because the epidural wore off yet again.  I remember being wheeled down a long hallway into an operating room.  I remember asking over and over again for Denny because I kept thinking that they forgot to get him.  I remember the reassurance of the medical team that they would take care of us.  And I remember feeling really fuzzy.

Yet despite the confusion, the frustration, the exhaustion of the day and the sheer emotion, I won’t forget hearing the first cries of our son.  He had arrived and he was perfectly healthy!  At 11:06 PM, Mitchell Dennis McGee was welcomed into the world and he was perfectly healthy!


First breath of life. Welcome to the world Mitchell! It is our privilege to be your parents. We love you more than you’ll ever know.

 He was beautiful!   Denny showed him to me quickly and then he was off to be weighed and assessed.  He was 8 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long.

Ten fingers.  Ten toes.

One sweet, amazing baby!




One of my favorite pictures of the proud daddy introducing his son to baseball!

The next few hours continued to be a blur but it was filled with sweet amazement of what just occurred.  Mitchell’s birth wasn’t the journey we anticipated but we wouldn’t change a thing.  Our baby boy had arrived and our family was complete.

By 2:30 am we were drifting to sleep – completely exhausted, completely thrilled and completely smitten.

::  The First Few Days of Life::

The next few days were just as busy.  By Friday afternoon we decided on a name and then we welcomed some of our favorite people to meet Mitchell.  Little M is a lucky little guy!


Big sis Makenzie meeting her little brother. She is smitten and so are we.



Our little slugger. I hope he someday finds a sport that makes him as happy as Denny when he played baseball.



My little snugly boy



Nana’s little loves!



This little guy is so lucky to have such a wonderful Aunt!

 ::  Three Days later  ::

By Sunday, it was time to head into the world as a family of four!  We’re not pros by any means with handling two kids but I think we’re getting better each day.  It’s pretty cool that our Someday is here.  We can’t wait to see what else comes our way.


Heading home as a family of four!

Thanks for reading through my sappy post.



PS  Mitchell, this post is for you little guy.  Once you get past the “Ew, gross” phase when you think of birth, I hope you see the beauty in the day you joined our family.